Year 2 for British Charcuterie Awards

British Charcuterie Award Labels 2019 Logo

British Charcuterie Live Awards 2019

This time last year we very proudly announced that we had been chosen to be the preferred label supplier for the newly founded British Charcuterie Live Awards 2018.

British Charcuterie Entries

Following on from the awards ceremony held in the August we supplied literally thousands of award medals to a large variety of charcuterie producers across the country. The worthy winners have been able to promote their produce displaying these eye catching labels which confirm their credentials and excellence within the charcuterie industry.

We just don’t know where the last year has gone because we are now on the count down for the second year of these prestigious awards and are already getting our award medal stock ready!

About the British Charcuterie Live Awards

These awards were launched last year to promote the great British traditions and the continental styles of Charcuterie making in Britain today. The last decade has seen an upsurge in the number of British Charcuterie makers of all kinds from butchers to producers, famers, retailers and chefs.

This year has seen an even greater number of charcuterie producers enter the various award categories and the main judging took place in June. Final judging for the Best British Game Charcuterie Product will take place on 27th July at The Game Fair.

BBC Countryfile Live

Final Judging for Champion of Champions Producer, Champion of Champions Product, Best British New Charcuterie Product new to the market since 1st September 2018 and Best Traditional or Heritage Breed Product will take place on 1st August 2019 in The British Charcuterie Tent at BBC Countryfile Live when all the results will be revealed.

With a variety of award categories, we are already busy printing to ensure we have a stock of the award medals ready for the worthy winners.

Order your award medals from inkREADIble

Along with the entrants to the British Charcuterie Live awards 2019, we wait with excitement to find out who will be successful and we look forward to supplying your award labels very soon!