Mighty Medals

Foiled Award Labels

Winning an award is not just a way to validate hard work, although there is no denying that kind of reward feels pretty good! There are way more benefits to an award sticker that last much longer than the initial celebratory period. inkREADible Labels are proud sponsors of Taste of the West and official supplier of award stickers for the event, here are the amazing things award stickers can do for you.

Grow your customer base

When it comes to acquiring new customers, shiny medals help to win over those trying a product for the first time. Award stickers give a clear message to consumers about the quality of the product they are buying.

Elevate packaging

So much time, thought and pure love goes into making a product and this is not easily conveyed with the basic packaging. An award sticker can really make your packaging pop.

Create a lasting impression

Medals have the potential to give leverage in the crowded food and beverage marketplace. Award stickers help build brand loyalty through the assurance of quality.

Endorsement by a distinguished body

Taste of the West award stickers are instantly recognised as having a high standard, so winning a medal demonstrates the integrity of that product.

Be aligned

With other similar businesses and professionals. When an award sticker is applied to a product directly, it oozes success.

Be part of an organisation that champions the best

Sometimes the most important opinions and advice come from other producers and industry peers. Peer recognition can be the highest compliment.

Have you won an award?

If you have won an award, we would like to extend our very warmest congratulations. If you would like to tell the world about your success by displaying your medal directly on the product in the form of an award sticker, please contact the organisers to place an order.

To find out more about the other food and drink awards that we print stickers for, please contact us directly. We have a wealth of experience in this area and would be happy to advise you. Contact us on 01803 326 818 or email sales@inkREADible.com or visit our website www.inkreadible.com