The Benefits of a Wet Proof

What is a Wet Proof?

A label wet proof, also known simply as a wet proof or a press proof, is a physical sample of a label design that is produced using the actual printing process and materials that will be used for the final production run. The term "wet proof" originates from the practice of using wet ink during the proofing process.

Here's how it typically works:


The label design is finalised, and the printing specifications, including colours, finishes, and materials, are determined.


Using the same printing press and materials planned for the actual production run, a small quantity of labels is printed. This process ensures that the wet proof accurately represents how the final labels will look.


The printed labels are carefully inspected for colour accuracy, print quality, alignment, and any other potential issues. Clients or designers review the wet proof to ensure it meets their expectations and specifications.

Approval or Revision:

Based on the inspection results, clients may approve the wet proof as-is, request revisions or adjustments, or reject it if significant issues are identified.


If revisions are requested, adjustments are made to the label design or printing process, and another wet proof may be produced for further review. Once the wet proof is approved, the printing company proceeds with the full production run, using the wet proof as a reference for quality and consistency.

Examples of printed labels

What are the Benefits of Having a Wet Proof?

Having a wet proof of a label printed before formally going to print is a wise decision for several reasons:

Colour Accuracy:

A wet proof allows you to see exactly how the colours will appear on the final printed label. This is crucial for ensuring that the colours match your expectations and brand guidelines. Sometimes, colours may appear differently on a computer screen compared to when printed, so a wet proof provides a more accurate representation.

Material Assessment:

Different printing materials can affect the final appearance of the label, including texture, finish, and durability. A wet proof allows you to physically inspect the material and make sure it meets your requirements before committing to a larger print run.


Quality Assurance:

Inspecting a wet proof allows you to check for any potential printing defects, such as misalignment, blurriness, or smudging. Identifying and rectifying these issues early can prevent costly mistakes in the final print run.

Customisation Verification:

If the label includes any special finishes or embellishments, such as foil stamping, embossing, or varnishes, a wet proof provides an opportunity to verify that these elements are executed correctly and meet the desired quality standards.

Client Approval:

Having a wet proof allows you to review the label design and make any necessary revisions or adjustments before proceeding with the full print run. It ensures that both you and your printing company are aligned on the final product specifications.

Cost Savings:

While producing a wet proof incurs some initial cost, it can potentially save money in the long run by avoiding the expense of reprinting large quantities due to errors or dissatisfaction with the final product.

Printed Self Adhesive Label

How do I order a wet proof?

Simply get in touch with us to discuss your label requirements and once we have your approved artwork, we can order a wet proof for you to check and test, to ensure your final label order will completely meet your needs.

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